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Featured companies in Containment
SterilineCompany name
Steriline is a well-established European manufacturer highly specialized in the production of complete lines for the aseptic processing of injectable products, supplying...
Monmouth ScientificCompany name
Monmouth Scientific
We create clean environments to enable scientists, researchers, technicians and engineers to work safely, effectively and sustainably.
ASTCompany name
Flexible solutions for today's aseptic manufacturing challenges
AM InstrumentsCompany name
AM Instruments
Since 1990, AM has been at the forefront of the contamination control sector, focusing on the quality needs of the Life Science Industry
PBSCCompany name
35 Years of Excellence - Established in 1987, PBSC has become one of the leading manufacturers of Clean Room, High Containment and Material Decontamination products throughout...
FelconCompany name
Felcon design and build specialist equipment for cleanrooms, laboratories and hospitals
OtectCompany name
Otect: Ultimate Cleanroom Protection. At Otect, we are dedicated to transforming how professionals safeguard themselves and their work in cleanroom environments. Our mission is...