Complete lab and air system retrofit for Wilton Centre laboratories

Published: 13-Jan-2014

Aim to reduce energy demand without compromising on operator safety

Sector: Laboratory

Client: Wilton Centre

Location: Redcar, Middlesbrough, UK

Project Challenge

Old HVAC plant serving a very large number of constant air volume (CAV) face and bypass fume cupboards

Project Brief

Reduce energy demand without compromising on operator safety.


  • Upgrade supply units with control and filtration upgrades
  • Retrofit Variable Air Volume (VAV) to the existing fume cupboards
  • Install pressure controllers to each laboratory
  • Initiate fume cupboard diversity into each laboratory
  • Strip out all the primary extract fans and upgrade secondary fans with VSDs
  • Installation of energy monitoring units to verify savings and act as MM&T capability


Energy savings delivered: 3,400 MWh

Energy cost savings: £205,000

Emissions reduction: 1,700 tonnes CO2


EECO2 phased upgrades over three years, carried out complete system redesign, scope and bid proposal on client's behalf, including laboratory user interface and programming. Provided project management for contractors, delivered to budget, on time with zero incidents.

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