PAC can now provide Nortek Class 3-5 cleanroom components following partnership

Published: 23-Jul-2024

The two US-based companies have partnered on a range of cleanroom components that include Fan Filter Units (FFUs), Air Handling Units (AHUs) and modular ceilings

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Production Automation Corporation (PAC) has partnered with Nortek Air Solutions to offer Nortek's innovative cleanroom solutions to PAC clients.

PAC is a distributor of supplies, equipment, and controlled environments for the life science, aerospace, electronics, and industrial manufacturing industries. Importantly, PAC also provides critical components for cleanroom construction.

US-based Nortek Air Solutions is a cleanroom solutions provider specialising in custom HVAC products.

The new solutions are targeted at many industries including semiconductor manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, aerospace, biotechnology, and medical device manufacturing.

Customised solutions for ISO Class 3-5

The existence of this gap in components for Class 3-5 sparked a journey of innovation and collaboration between PAC and Nortek.

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