Telstar group has developed a new mobile app designed for monitoring freeze-drying process for laboratory lyophilisers. This software has been customised for the Lyobeta and LyoBeta Mini lab freeze dryers, which are the standard and compact versions of a twin-vessel pilot scale freeze dryer.
This twin-vessel dryer is designed for the field of experimentation and research and formulation, developing recipes for pharmaceutical freeze-drying processes.
Developed by the Telstar R&D department, the software has also incorporated a mobile alert which warns the user of any problems, enabling the user to react accordingly.
The new app for lab freeze dryers is designed to run on Android devices at the moment and will be developed for mobile IOS in the near future. Any Android-based portable device will be able to remotely connect to the equipment once the LyoBeta freeze dryer has been connected to the customer’s internal network.
The current version of the app provides one-to-one equipment connection and multiuser connection capabilities. The user can be connected to a just single freeze dryer, or any freeze dryer can accept multiple connected users.
The app provides a standard list of alarms and notifications that will pop-up during the process, offering the possibility of configuring alarms for almost any listed process variable.