ACT gives Priorclave green credentials

Published: 18-Nov-2020

British autoclave manufacturer Priorclave is one of the first to get the ACT label attributed to many of its cylindrical chamber research grade laboratory autoclaves

It highlights how these sterilisers stand up to independent testing and evaluation for efficiency of water and energy use. The ACT program has already been adopted by leaders in the life science industry, including Priorclave, who has already begun labeling its products. It gives increased transparency and assist customers in making smart choices about their purchases.

Lee Oakley, Sales Director at Priorclave said: “I am delighted that the ACT labelling confirms what we already knew. In designing and building our laboratory autoclaves we manufacture reliable, robust sterilises, machines that will ultimately give the customer lower overall cost of ownership.”

The latest ACT labels cover many autoclave models in the Priorclave QCS range. These front loading, cylindrical machine are available in a choice of chamber sizes, from 100 to 400 litres, and in a standard configuration or with vacuum.

The opportunity to reduce energy in laboratories is enormous. They consume as much as five times more energy than traditional office buildings and can use millions of gallons of water per year.

The ACT label informs users on the manufacturing, energy and water use, packaging and end-of-life, making it easier for customers to choose safe, sustainable products. ACT is the premier eco-nutrition for consumables, chemicals and reagents, and equipment.

Recognised by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the American Energy Society, and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories, My Green Lab’s Certification is considered the global standard for laboratory sustainability best practices.

Lee Oakley said: “We are delighted to adopt the ACT program. It increases transparency and assists customers in making smart choices with their purchases. ACT-labeled products are independently audited by Sustainability Made Simple and verified by My Green Lab. The QCS range of autoclaves is not the first Priorclave product range to be recognised and tested by independent test house My Green Labs."

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