Battling biofilms in cleanrooms

Published: 17-Dec-2024

Michelle Locke from Teknomek discusses how it is possible to combat the persistent threat of biofilms with the right cleanroom furniture, equipment, and cleaning protocols

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Biofilms are invisible communities of microorganisms that adhere to surfaces, forming resilient, slimy, and sticky layers that defy conventional cleaning methods.

In the cleanroom sector, where maintaining sterility and cleanliness is paramount, these unseen adversaries present a significant challenge. 

Biofilms are invisible communities of microorganisms that adhere to surfaces, forming resilient, slimy, and sticky layers that defy conventional cleaning methods

To address this challenge, managers can use cleanroom furniture, equipment, and cleaning protocols.

Understanding biofilms and why they are so resilient 

The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) describes biofilms as communities of living microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, that evolve and grow together. Without realising it, we encounter biofilms every day.

Microbial biofilms and communities form some of the largest biomass activity centres on the planet, with an estimated 96% of microbes on Earth found in biofilms. 

According to the Microbiology Society,

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