University studies confirm Vantocil can control norovirus effectively

Published: 17-Mar-2006

Research by BluScientific Test Data at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland has demonstrated that Arch Chemicals’ product Vantocil, used as an ingredient in disinfectant products in Europe, effectively controls Feline calicivirus (FCV), the globally accepted surrogate for norovirus, which cannot be cultivated in vitro.

Norovirus, a major cause of acute gastroenteritis, is a common problem in environments such as hospitals, nursing homes and schools. It is estimated to account for two-thirds of all acute gastroenteritis cases in the US and is the most common cause of infectious gastroenteritis in England and Wales.

Research work by BluScientific showed that Vantocil was effective within one minute in controlling FCV in the presence of high levels of organic material. These test results are important since control measures must be effective in the presence of organic material, considering that the total cleaning of most environments is impractical.

Vantocil is based on the active ingredient poly (hexa methylene biguanide) hydrochloride (PHMB). The PHMB antimicrobial from Arch Biocides has both broad spectrum bactericidal and virucidal activity in a diverse range of human hygiene products.

There are few alternatives for disinfecting norovirus outbreak locations, and some existing products have limitations and safety issues. "Other disinfectants that have been used to disinfect norovirus tend to be corrosive to most environmental materials and are useable only for very short periods of time, while Vantocil is stable for up to two years," said Dr Terry Yeates, business manager, Health & Hygiene, Arch Biocides.

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