The most common challenges with a cleanroom

Published: 7-Aug-2024

Wes Temple, Director of Marketing at AVM Group looks at some of the main issues that can occur day-to-day in a cleanroom or controlled environment

Given that controlled environments have so many components, there are many possible points of failure.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll cover common controlled environment challenges such as temperature and humidity, contamination, equipment issues, and more. 

Temperature and humidity fluctuations

To start things off, let’s discuss the most common controlled environment challenge, regulation of temperature and humidity.

Given that controlled environments have so many components, there are many possible points of failure

Fluctuations can disrupt delicate processes and cause variations in results, leading to decreased product quality and research reliability. Dynamic equipment loads and changing outdoor air conditions can all produce temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Contamination control

The next issue we see is contamination control. Without a doubt, preventing contamination is a constant battle. 

Airborne particles, microorganisms, and other contaminants can infiltrate controlled environments through issues with crucial entry point seals, improper gowning procedures, and a number of other bad practices.

Contamination will easily jeopardise experiments and production processes.

Equipment malfunctioning

The next controlled environment challenge we’ll talk about is something you (for the most part) have no control over, equipment failure.

Accurate and detailed documentation is vital for regulatory compliance

Equipment failure can occur unexpectedly and quickly, resulting in having to halt operations.

Proper documentation

This next challenge is one that isn’t as commonly talked about, proper documentation.

Accurate and detailed documentation is vital for regulatory compliance, as inadequate records can lead to confusion, compliance breaches, and compromised research integrity.

Training and compliance

Unfortunately, human error is a controlled environment challenge you may run into.

It’s time to think green

No matter how well designed, proper operation and procedure by staff determine performance of the cleanroom.

Energy efficiency

It’s time to think green.

Balancing the need for precise environmental conditions with energy efficiency is challenging if you don’t have innovative HVAC systems and energy management strategies to optimise resource consumption.

Space constraints

When you build a controlled environment, you have to make sure your space is adequate. If you work with a solid cleanroom construction partner, they’ll take care of this.

In the digital age, data security is paramount

Limited space can lead to overcrowding and inadequate airflow, impacting the uniformity of controlled conditions.

Regulatory compliance

If an industry requires a controlled environment, there’s an extremely high chance strict regulations exist, and it’s very likely this will created a controlled environment challenge.

If you and your operation team aren’t up-to-date on the standard requirements of your industry, it can be easy to slip up. Federal standards and commercial best practices are a moving target that require constant attention and updating.

Data security and management

In the digital age, data security is paramount, as it’s unbelievably necessary to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorised access.

Material compatibility

Certain materials used in controlled environments may emit particles or gasses that comprise the environment’s purity.

State-of-the-art monitoring systems provide real-time data on environmental conditions

If you’ve chosen the right CE provider, they’ll have conducted thorough material testing and selection are essential to maintain controlled conditions.

Strategies to mitigate controlled environment challenges

Now that we’ve covered the most common controlled environment challenges we’ve seen our customers encounter, we’d like to educate you on how to mitigate these issues through a few best practices.

Advanced monitoring systems: State-of-the-art monitoring systems provide real-time data on environmental conditions.This enables timely interventions in response to deviations, preventing potential issues.

Regular maintenance protocols: Establishing routine maintenance schedules for equipment and systems minimises the risk of unexpected failures and downtime.

Quality Risk Management (QRM): Implementing quality risk management methodologies helps identify potential hazards and implement proactive measures to mitigate them.

Continuous training enhances personnel competency and awareness

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Well-defined SOPs ensure consistent processes and provide clear guidelines for personnel, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Training and skill enhancement: Continuous training enhances personnel competency and awareness, reducing the likelihood of deviations due to human error.

Innovative HVAC systems: Modern HVAC systems offer precise control over temperature and humidity while optimising energy consumption. Given that your HVAC system is by far the most important component in your controlled environment, you need to make sure that you have the right one in place.

Optimised space utilisation: Efficient space planning and layout ensure proper airflow and prevent overcrowding in controlled environments. Like we mentioned, this will be handled by your controlled environment partner, as long as they’ve done their design work correctly.

Human error is a controlled environment challenge you may run into

Regular monitoring: Dedicated personnel should monitor regulatory changes and ensure that the facility and processes remain compliant.

Cybersecurity measures: Implementing robust cybersecurity protocols safeguards sensitive data from breaches and cyber threats.

Material selection and testing: Thoroughly assess and test materials for compatibility before introducing them into controlled environments.


Controlled environments are the backbone of industries that demand reliability, precision, and consistency. 

Overcoming common controlled environment challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses technological innovation, robust protocols, comprehensive training, and adherence to regulations. 

By recognising and proactively addressing these challenges, professionals can ensure the integrity of their processes, products, and research outcomes.

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