Site master planning for sustainability - Case Study

Published: 29-Jul-2014

Concept design review for building optimisation

Sector: Pharmaceutical

Client: Global pharmaceutical manufacturer

Location: South East Asia

Project Challenge

Client was planning to build a new manufacturing facility in Asia and requested a complete review of the concept design with evaluated options to optimise energy performance of the facility.

Project Brief

The client requested a review of the concept design for the planned factory in South East Asia. The client provided drawings and documentation of the design intentions. EECO2 has provided this report, focused in detail on the HVAC system, but also addressed related engineering and utility services for the facility.


Review of existing scheme to provide a recommendation for a more sustainable approach to building services including HVAC systems:

  • GMP Qualification principles
  • Building design principles including loads
  • GMP and non-GMP areas
  • Building controls, cooling, heating and dehumidification systems
  • Opportunities for heat recovery and renewables
  • Low energy ventilation, including filters, motors, fans and laboratories
  • Enhanced/integrated renewable strategies
  • Metering and monitoring strategy for future energy control
  • A building energy simulation model was created to evaluate design options on life cycle costs and energy consumption and included modelling of     variations in building fabric and construction standards, air change rates and specific fan power
  • The focus of detail in the report is on the HVAC. However, there is some discussion and recommendations made for best practices on other utility systems, including refrigeration, compressed air and dust collection


Client received an independent review of the current concept design with evaluation of the impact of various technologies/strategies on the operational cost of the facility now and into the future.

Integration of best practice design and operation, demonstrated a 60% energy reduction, relative to the standard design, achievable by enhancements to design and build quality.

Energy reduction of 74% achievable through risk-based approach to air change rates and incorporating high efficiency air handling plant, refrigeration plant and renewable heating technologies.

Energy savings

60% Design optimisation

74% Design + HVAC optimisation


This comprehensive assessment on the options and impact of technologies and operational strategies enabled the client’s design team to understand and quantify the impact of decisions made during detailed design.

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