Reaping the benefits of LIMS integration

Published: 23-Jan-2015

Solutions are now available that help integrate microbial testing results with the rest of the company through the integration of automated, growth-based, rapid microbial method (RMM) technologies with laboratory information management systems (LIMS)

In addition to the rise of lean initiatives throughout the last few decades, businesses in most industries have transitioned from using siloed, departmental technologies toward more integrated systems. Pharmaceutical quality control labs have been slow to integrate with the rest of the business, often due to a lack of available technologies. However, solutions are now available that help integrate microbial testing results with the rest of the company.

These connections can be accomplished through the integration of automated, growth-based, rapid microbial method (RMM) technologies with laboratory information management systems (LIMS). By connecting these two technologies, users can realise the following benefits:

  • Eliminate data entry: In the lab today, technicians are often required to record test results directly into the LIMS system via data entry. This is time consuming and can potentially lead to keying errors that can then lead to investigations. By integrating test results directly into LIMS there's no need to enter data manually from paper to computer.
  • Greater efficiency: Less time spent on data entry means more time devoted to test design, investigations and other value-added tasks.
  • Expanded access to QC data: LIMS integration allows stakeholders outside of the lab access to data using technologies with which they already have familiarity. This may eliminate calls to the lab to find out test results.
  • A paperless lab: There is less need for paper when results are automatically uploaded to the LIMS. Eliminating paper not only saves money and environmental resources, less paper via automation can streamline QC workflows without losing audit trails, and may contribute to a more efficient, cost-effective lab.

Considerations for implementation

Given so many far-reaching benefits, it only makes sense that LIMS integration should be an important capability of the Growth Direct System. Because the integration of systems is typically handled via a company’s IT department, it is important to engage the IT resources early as part of the implementation. Current Growth Direct System customers have found that working closely with their IT departments and using a reference computer to test the integration can help streamline the implementation and validation process.

A more efficient QC lab can potentially create more cost effective, scalable business operations for pharmaceutical manufacturers. To learn more about the bottom-line benefits of LIMS integration and other features of growth-based, automated RMM, download our free resource, 'Quantifying the Economic Benefits of the Growth Direct System', today.

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