QSGroup Srl

The perfect partner for your calibration, validation and instrument supply operations

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We are an experienced and qualified team of professionals in contamination control. For almost 30 years we have focused on the search for continuous innovation but without ever losing the family dimension that, over the years, we have managed to maintain and still finds today in our offices, laboratories and plants.

QSGroup Srl

Thanks to our professionalism and decades of experience in the field of particulate contamination, the close relationship that binds us with the Politecnico di Milano of which we are professors, and our support as members of the ASCCA (Association for the Study and Control of Environmental Contamination), we have had the opportunity to work with over 300 customers including small, medium and large companies.

While thanks to our offices located in Barlassina (MB), Pratola Peligna (AQ), Lugano (Switzerland) and Paris (France), we are able to reach wherever we are needed. We are innovators who are always ready to respond to our customers with the best solutions on the market, to make them leaders in the sector and guarantee them a real competitive advantage.

QSGroup Srl

We are founders of Altiorlab, an ISO 17025:2018 accredited laboratory, performs calibration according to all the points required by ISO 21501-4:2018, the reference standard cited in ISO 14644 – 1:2015 (Annex A) for the calibration of optical particle counters.

We are the first and only in the world to offer ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certification for TOC (total organic carbon) analyzers.

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