Overseas sales drive growth at Tristel

Published: 14-Mar-2012

Pre-tax profit falls from £433,000 to £262,000

Infection control specialist Tristel has reported revenue growth of 10.9% to £5.1m for the six months to 31 December 2011, driven by overseas sales.

Sales in China and Germany and a launch into the Australian hospital market pushed overseas sales up by more than 100% to £775,000.

“All these new activities are still in their infancy and we can expect substantial contributions from them in the future,” said Tristel’s chief executive Paul Swinney.

Pre-tax profit fell to £262,000 from £433,000.

Swinney added: “We have now levelled off our investment in people and overheads and as we continue to grow sales in the areas we invested in last year we will see a significant improvement in profitability.”

Tristel is now fully engaged in the manufacture and sale of disinfectants and cleaning products in three markets: hospital infection control; animal healthcare (mainly veterinary practices) and manufacturers of pharmaceutical and personal care products for contamination control in their manufacturing processes.

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