Vaisala commits to 100% renewable energy by 2020

Published: 8-Sep-2015

Renewable energy provides clear benefits

Vaisala, a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement, believes in a future where societies are powered by renewable sources of energy. By consuming energy and using raw materials in a more sustainable manner, we can support the evolution towards a more circular economy, leading to increased wealth and well-being.

As Vaisala is strongly involved in the renewable energy industry through its customers, we see a clear benefit in advancing the development and use of renewable energy sources. With the ever-growing global demand for energy, sustainable growth can only be reached by increasing the use of these sources. The private sector needs to be the driver of change, and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.

'Compared with its size, Vaisala has an essential role in today's society through its technologies that keep people safe every day. We are ambitious not only in our technological advances, but also in taking action in ensuring a sustainable future for our customers and other stakeholders, and simultaneously creating a more sustainable business model for our industry,' said Vaisala President and CEO Kjell Forsén. 'Vaisala is taking steps today, so that we can be competitive tomorrow. I am confident that our renewable energy commitment will encourage other companies to follow suit.'

Vaisala acknowledges that renewable energy is critical to the transition to a low-carbon economy. 'Not only do we see that the private sector should show leadership, we want to be in the forefront of developing technologies that makes it possible for industries to transition into efficient renewable energy sources.'

Local co-operation

Vaisala will reach the 2020 target by working together with local energy supplier as well as continuing to produce some of its own renewable energy. The company's headquarters and main production facility in Vantaa, Finland is already a prime example of sustainable manufacturing. The site has achieved its zero-waste to landfill target already a few years ago, and has on-site solar and geothermal energy production. Today, the entire site is powered 100% by renewables using wind power from the local energy supplier, Vantaa Energy.

Vaisala is also strengthening its commitment, by engaging with the Road to Paris initiative that calls for companies to commit to ambitious climate actions, and to support a universal climate agreement ahead of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference in December.

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