Realising the benefits of automated, growth-based RMM

Published: 19-Mar-2015

There are quite a few RMM systems on the market, and many of them involve completely different procedures and materials from the compendial method

Have you decided to add a rapid system to your micro lab? Or are you still on the fence about the merits of automated rapid microbiological methods (RMM)? Either way, it's imperative you learn not only the benefits of the technology in general, but the specific pros and cons of different options.

There are quite a few RMM systems on the market, and many of them involve completely different procedures and materials from the compendial method. One method that mimics the traditional tests, however, is automated, growth-based RMM. This technology involves familiar processes for sample prep and automates the incubation, enumeration and results collection while producing results in about half the time compared to the traditional test.

The use of automated, growth-based technology such as the Growth Direct System from Rapid Micro Boisystems also eliminates many of the resources required to manage incubation, enumeration and recording of results. Read on to learn how this technology has solved many company’s common problems, and how it can boost productivity and efficiency within your own QC lab.

Eliminate time-consuming tasks

Serial incubation transfers, colony counting and reporting – these tasks all require extensive, repetitive effort from microbiologists. Automated, growth-based RMM offers a hands-off approach, and users need only prepare their samples using traditional techniques.

Allow more time for high-level work

The time lab technicians save on those repetitive tasks can be put to better use on test design, investigations, SOP updates and other critical quality control responsibilities.

Increasing throughput

With the manual method, microbiology QC departments have to increase resources linearly as they increase testing volumes – which can be costly. On the other hand, an automated system can provide high per-test throughput without significant increases in resources.

Reduce the potential for error

Automation allows for greater speed and efficiency, but it also leads to more reliable results. Serial incubation transfer errors, colony miscounts and keying errors may lead to costly investigations. With automated technology managing the incubation, detection, enumeration and reporting to LIMS, the lab can count on consistent results reported as tests are completed.

Achieve faster results

Finally, automated, non-destructive rapid methods such as the Growth Direct System can report final results in about half the time compared with the compendial method. Such speed not only helps microbiologists complete their tasks more efficiently – it can help get product to market faster.

Overall, automated, growth-based RMM offers a variety of far-reaching benefits that should interest not only microbiologists but manufacturing personnel, executives and any other stakeholders. These benefits include:

  • Results in about half the time versus the traditional method
  • Similar sample preparation
  • Non-destructive test preserves colonies
  • Reduced investigations

To learn more about making the transition from manual to automated microbial testing, check out our new SlideShare, 'Discovering the Power of Automated, Growth-Based RMM.'

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