Business, Science and Innovations Theatre launches at Lab Innovations 2016

Published: 1-Nov-2016

The show will provide a new theatre designed to address some of the hottest topics affecting business, science and innovation

In its inaugural year, the theatre will feature a series of practical presentations spanning professional development, the revision of international standards plus the potential of advanced composites, with sessions coming from The Science Council, The BMTA and NetComposites, all of whom work at the forefront of business development and research.

In a major coup for the show, Belinda Phipps, CEO at The Science Council, will deliver the theatre’s keynote session, where she will explore whether there is a risk to the public’s trust in scientists.

Following this, Dr Katherine Forsey, Manager at HEaTED, in partnership with The Science Council, will run an interactive workshop.  Dr Forsey will provide guidance on how to best support the professional development of the technicians.

HEaTED is well placed to do this as the leading provider of professional development and networking opportunities for all disciplines of the technical workforce in higher and further education.

With the focus still on technicians, the final Science Council session will be delivered in partnership with the Gatsby Foundation, looking at why technicians are the unsung heroes of scientific research and practice.

It will detail more about its recently launched ‘Technicians Make It Happen’ campaign, celebrating technicians and encouraging more young people into pursuing a technical career.

ISO/IEC 17025 is the international standard relating to the management of laboratories and its revision is therefore of interest to many BMTA members and to managers of other UKAS accredited laboratories.

On day one of the show the BMTA will host a two-hour Forum during which the current state of play in the revision process and the effects of likely changes on UK laboratories will be examined and debated.

The Forum will begin with a presentation from Trevor Thompson, Head of Operations Support at UKAS before hearing from Christina Oscroft, Campden BRI who will discuss the challenge of maintaining or implementing quality systems during a time of change.

Carol Stewart, Technical Director, Health Sciences & Environmental, Exova will then join Trevor Thompson for an audience Q&A session.

Day two will feature a series of sessions delivered in partnership with NetComposites, the country’s leading independent provider of expert services relating to composite materials.

Dr Ben Hargreaves, Consultancy Manager at NetComposites, will provide delegates with a general introduction to polymer nanocomposites, while Jon Mabbitt, CEO at Applied Graphene Materials, will take to the stage to discuss ‘Finding a home for graphene in advanced composite applications’.

Running alongside the Business, Science and Innovation Theatre will be two dedicated theatres run by Campden BRI, the UK’s largest independent food and drink research body, and the Royal Society of Chemistry, the world’s leading chemistry community.

Lab Innovations 2016 will also feature a full exhibition featuring the latest laboratory technologies, analytical equipment and cleanroom techniques from leading industry suppliers.

Lab Innovations 2016 takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, on 2 & 3 November 2016. For further information visit

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