Diagnostics giant chooses pharmaceutical floor supplier Kemtile for challenging cleanroom brief

Published: 17-May-2024

Kemtile has met a demanding flooring brief for a project for a diagnostic solutions company

Kemtile, a UK-based supplier and installer of pharmaceutical-compliant polymer-based flooring, has met a demanding flooring brief in a project for a top diagnostic solutions company.

The pharmaceutical floor supplier installed 300 sqm of its Stonclad GS system in a new cleanroom, providing a very hard-wearing, hygienic, easy-to-clean, pharma-grade floor finish. 

The installation was split into three phases

The first phase included building a new dividing wall and doors into the existing cleanroom area. 

The second phase consisted of Kemtile’s team of specialists then laying a new foundation of plinths and a drainage system, before returning to the site to deliver phase three.

The third phase was the installation of the final flooring system in the new cleanroom.

Stonclad GS, installed by power-trowelling cures, provides an extremely hard, flat, impact-resistant mortar with excellent abrasion, wear, and chemical resistance. 

The pharmaceutical floor supplier installed 300 sqm of its Stonclad GS system in a new cleanroom

Commenting on the project David Priest from Kemtile, said: “It is always a pleasure to work for a returning customer who believes in the quality and longevity of our single-source solutions. The civil works presented some challenges, but the team worked through them and laid the final flooring totally in line with requirements.” 

The client said: “We have worked with Stonhard and Kemtile for years and seen first-hand the quality and durability of their flooring solutions. So it was an easy decision to appoint them to extend the cleanroom flooring across the entire facility and I expect to be calling on them again for a new build later this year.”

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