Industry 4.0: What is the advantage of real-time digital signage?

Published: 17-Apr-2024

Olivia Fernandez from Digital Therapeutics (DTx) disusses how digital signage can serve in cleanrooms as a versatile and powerful tool that allows those in charge to ensure those working in a facility are informed with correct and integrated information displayed in an engaging and effective manner

Digital signage is a technology used worldwide across multiple sectors of the economy. In a cleanroom production environment, digital signage can be especially valuable.

Digital signage is a type of electronic display that uses technologies like LCD, LED and e-paper to present visual content such as images, videos, streaming media, web pages, or any other digital information.

It is used to accomplish many goals such as display information from multiple sources, consolidated in one place. Digital signage is especially important in a cleanroom production environment as it can serve as a versatile and powerful tool that allows pharmaceutical manufacturers ensure those working in a facility are informed with correct and integrated information that is displayed in an engaging and effective manner.

The information displayed can show the cleanroom’s status regarding: Environmental metrics, temperature, humidity, dewpoint, differential pressure, etc.

Cleaning status, not cleaned, sterilisation in process, cleaned. Production scheduling, process data, combined Information, from sources like EMS, MES, PCS, CMMS, QMS, etc.

Digital signage is a type of electronic display that uses technologies like LCD, LED and e-paper

One of the main advantages of digital signage is its ability to display dynamic content that can be updated in real-time. This makes it ideal for displaying with time, the necessary notifications in a cleanroom production environment.

In manufacturing, digital signage is primarily informational and used to display real-time production metrics, safety reminders, and other important information for employees.

It is an Industry 4.0 technology that is becoming increasingly popular due to its versatility and efficiency. 

Apart from being used for informational purposes, digital signage can also be used for real-time communication.

In the life sciences industry, it can be used in cleanrooms and other GxP areas of a facility to annunciate the status of the area. 

Reducing paper in a cleanroom GxP environment is crucial for enhanced efficiency, accuracy and compliance

Reducing paper in a cleanroom GxP environment is crucial for enhanced efficiency, accuracy and compliance. Digital signage ensures real-time data access, reduces the risk of errors and streamlines documentation processes.

Overall, digital signage is a powerful tool that has many applications in various industries. Its ability to display real-time information, engage with target audiences, and provide cost-effective solutions makes it an essential tool.

Digital signage is replacing manual tools like whiteboards and sticky notes. It eliminates the need for constant updates and manual changes, making it efficient and time-saving.

With its constantly evolving technology, digital signage is becoming increasingly customisable and can be tailored to meet specific business needs.

Is digital signage an Industry 4.0 initiative?


Industry 4.0 refers to a new phase in the industrial revolution that focuses heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data.

digital signage is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve communication

It is automatically gathering and aggregating data from one or more disparate sources, then creating and digitally displaying information for your Operators that is: updated automatically in real time, from multiple sources, useful, actionable, and displayed exactly where it is needed.

What types of information can be displayed?

Production status items, such as product information, batch and log information, production KPI’s and OEE can all be displayed.

Environmental metrics, such as temperature and humidity can also be monitored and displayed in real-time. Furthermore, digital signage can display safety reminders and protocols to ensure a safe working environment for employees. 

Overall, digital signage is an essential tool for businesses looking to improve communication, engage with customers or employees, and streamline operations with real-time data.

The status of the cleanroom/GxP area can also be displayed. Examples of these messages include; clean, waiting for cleaning, cleaning in progress, in operation and awaiting line clearance.

A network infrastructure is required

This ensures that all employees are aware of the status of the area and can proceed accordingly.

Lastly, environmental status can also be displayed. Things such a temperature, differential pressure, relative humidity, and dew point are all examples of environmental status.

This allows for quick and easy monitoring of critical environmental factors in GxP areas.

Digital signage is an essential tool for life sciences manufacturers looking to streamline operations, improve communication and engage with their target audience.

Its versatility makes it applicable to various industries including education, healthcare, and manufacturing. As technology continues to advance, we can only expect digital signage to become more advanced and integrated across entire manufacturing facilities.

Having a secure network infrastructure is crucial to protecting any sensitive or confidential data

So why wait? Start incorporating digital signage into your manufacturing strategy today and see the positive impact it can have on your operations and overall success.

What does digital signage look like?

It can be architected to connect to one data source, or multiple data sources. Furthermore, it can be customised to fit the aesthetic and branding of a business.

It can range from simple digital screens to interactive displays that offer touch capabilities. The possibilities are endless when it comes to digital signage.

It should be designed with scalability taken into consideration. With the ability to display real-time updates and data from multiple sources, digital signage can easily adapt to larger organisations or businesses with a growing customer base.

This scalability allows for continued use and relevance of digital signage throughout the growth and expansion of a business.

Front-end configuration tools allow for in-application configuration

A network infrastructure is required. To support the use of digital signage, a reliable network infrastructure is necessary.

This ensures that the display screens are connected to the appropriate data sources and can display information accurately and in real time.

Additionally, having a secure network infrastructure is crucial to protecting any sensitive or confidential data that may be displayed on the digital screens.

How is a digital signage solution managed and kept secure?

Digital signage Solutions can be easily managed by end-users. These solutions can be installed and managed on-prem within existing virtual or physical server infrastructure.

An open-source development platform that allows for internal management of the entire application can also be employed, if desired.

Regular updates and maintenance can be performed remotely to ensure optimal performance and security.

Front-end configuration tools allow for in-application configuration. Digital signage Solutions also offer secure encryption and authentication to ensure the safety of any sensitive data being displayed.

In addition, regular updates and maintenance can be performed remotely to ensure optimal performance and security.

This proper management can also help ensure digital signage solutions are kept secure and can be installed in existing secure VLAN pending it has network connectivity to the required data sources (MES, EMS, ERP, etc.).

AD authentication and highly configurable security permissions ensure that features/functionality are only accessible to those that have the proper credentials.

Regular backups are also recommended to protect against any potential data loss.

Make digital signage your productivity advantage

Digital signage offers numerous benefits such as real-time updates, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, data gathering and analysis capabilities, and customisation options.

This versatility makes it a valuable asset for pharmaceutical manufacturers looking to enhance communication, engage with their employees, and improve their overall operations.

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