Aseptic preparation and dispensing of medicines training backed by Cherwell

Published: 2-Jul-2013

Cherwell process validation and environmental monitoring product range on display

Cherwell Laboratories, specialist in products for process validation and environmental monitoring, will present its comprehensive product range at the Aseptic Preparation and Dispensing of Medicines (APDM) Course, Leeds Trinity University, on 9-10 July 2013.

The 4-day APDM course, organised jointly by the NHS and the University of Leeds, is specifically designed to meet the needs of pharmacy staff (pharmacists) and other experienced senior technicians working in both licensed and unlicensed aseptic units. In addition to covering both the principles and practice of asepsis, the course will provide a knowledge update on standards, practices and quality assurance arrangements relating to the aseptic preparation and dispensing of medicines.

Representatives from Cherwell Laboratories will be available on 9-10 July to discuss how its products can help provide the ideal solution to meet individual microbiological QA/QC and monitoring requirements, with a selection of products also on display. The Cherwell range includes Redipor prepared microbiological media, a comprehensive selection of agar plates, bottled media, broth bags, vials and ampoules; plus SAS microbial air samplers and biological indicators.

'Our wide range of high-quality products, plus our experience within the industry, ensures we can offer an ideal solution to meet microbial monitoring and validation needs,' said Dr Abdulmajeed Raji, Microbiology Product Specialist at Cherwell Laboratories. 'This APDM event enables us to support the NHS and all those involved in the aseptic processing of medicines, maintaining our levels of expertise to ensure we continue to offer up-to-date products, services and advice.'

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