9 key questions to ask about class 3 ISO cytotoxic isolators

Published: 12-Nov-2021

Safety First – With Low Running Costs

It is an absolute given that any Class 3 ISO cytotoxic isolator must be safe: it must protect the operator and the material being analysed. In a wide range of operations (QC testing, sampling and dispensing, vessel charging and offloading, milling), cytotoxic isolators must safeguard the:

  • operator and the environment from any contamination hazards from the material
  • material being manipulated from any possible contamination from the environment

But that does not mean all Class 3 isolators are made equal. Significant differences – smart design and attention to detail – separate the best in class from their basic counterparts.

Never forget that isolators have human operators. Their comfort when working is an important factor in underpinning safety and security. There is also the small matter of cost…

No-one specifying equipment as important as a cytotoxic isolator would skimp on quality where safety is concerned. But no organisation’s budget is without its pressures. Few if any specifiers are ever given carte blanche or a blank cheque.

And allied to budget is the ever-important matter of carbon footprints. So any class 3 isolator’s energy consumption and operating costs should be as low as possible – without compromising safety in any way.

So what are the crucial questions you should ask when specifying an isolator…


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