PHSS to present special award to John Sharp

Published: 28-Sep-2012

His short guide to GMP to be distributed to UK pharmacies by Bioquell

The Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences Society (PHSS) is to grant a special award at the Annual PHSS Member’s Conference on 11 October. The special award will be granted to John Sharp for a lifetime of achievement and support to the PHSS in the area of healthcare science and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Sharp was one of the original contributors to the ‘Orange guide’ prepared by regulatory authorities as rules and guidance for pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors, including good manufacturing practice for sterile medicinal products. As an ex-regulatory inspector and respected author, Sharp continues to share knowledge, reinforcing the Quality rules that provide the framework for patient safety and healthcare related to manufacture of medicinal and therapeutic products.

A short guide to GMP, prepared by Sharp, is to be distributed to every pharmacy in the UK as a grass roots training reference as new initiatives of Quality Risk Management are embraced to improve practice and quality assurance in aseptic preparation of prescriptions in pharmacy isolator systems.

Bioquell UK Ltd has sponsored the guide’s distribution.

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