Aspetic pharmaceutical tech expert Telstar acquired by Syntegon

By Sophie Bullimore | Published: 10-Jun-2024

Japan-based Azbil Corporation has announced plans to sell its aseptic process solutions expert Telstar to Germany-based Syntegon

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The global brand of aseptic process solutions, Spain-based Telstar, has announced plans to join Germany-based Syntegon.

The acquisition by Syntegon has been announced by them, as well as by the current owners of Telstar, Japan-based Azbil Corporation.

Cleanroom Technology reached out to Telstar about any changes cleanroom operators using or installing Telstar tech can expect.

CEO, Jordi Puig, responded and said: "No major changes are expected regarding Telstar technology that may affect cleanrooms or facilities."

What synergies will the company have?

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