Isoflex isolator combines transparency, reproducibility and traceability

Published: 24-Jan-2012

PVC walls offer high resistance

The three- or four-glove Isoflex isolator from Getinge Life Sciences of France combines three main essential features for the non toxic sterile process: transparency, reproducibility in bio-decontamination and traceability. Its PVC walls offer high resistance, only needing to be changed once very five years, and complement the robustness of the long-life 316 L stainless steel work bench.

The H2O2 Steritrace II steriliser with its compressed air dehumidification process allows an equilibrated HPV bio-decontamination between dry phases and micro-condensation. The secure condition of the 35% ultra pure liquid H2O2 in dedicated Getinge vials which have an RFID chip, enables H2O2 consumption to be monitored and prevents any unexpected failure.

Traceability and monitoring are possible using a touchscreen Siemens 700 with a hierarchy access.

Saving time, space and money when located in a class D environment, the Isoflex eliminates all the risks of exogenous contamination within its class A workstations.

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