6 Benefits of Melaphone’s cylinder systems

Published: 13-Jan-2020

The Melaphone talk through glass intercom system isn’t just for keeping draughts and dust out but for allowing effective verbal communication

A talk through glass intercom system provided by Melaphone is ideal for various applications and industries. Whether you require a speech window to increase employee security or to assist the privacy of customer communication, Melaphone can help!

Here's how you can benefit from talk through glass from Melaphone:

Clear communication

For medical industries, the Melaphone talk through glass intercom system isn’t just for keeping draughts and dust out but for allowing effective verbal communication. The talk through glass enables the ease of conversation, without causing contamination to sterile environments such as the surgical theatre.

Sound quality

Melaphone's cylinder system offers excellent sound quality. The talk through glass allows conversations to take place and for both parties to understand each other clearly. So, if you want to avoid any misunderstanding or misinterpretation, look no further than Melaphone!

Visual representation

The speech window is also advantageous for the purpose of seeing people, this is not only useful for security purposes but for lip reading too. If people have hearing impediments, it’s essential they can see what you’re saying and you can understand them more effectively.

The double-glazed units are ideal for transferring messages, they look like an ordinary window but they work more efficiently, linking two rooms together via a cylinder system.


Cleanrooms, ticket booths or bank counters, you’ll find a speech window in any of these areas. They are used where there needs to be stringent security, keeping vulnerable people safe.

Where risks are poised, it’s essential you install a talk through glass intercom system, otherwise, you’re compromising the safety of patients, customers and employees. To protect your customers/patients, a speech window from Melaphone is exactly what you need.

Ease of installation

The process of installation for a Melaphone talk through glass intercom system is straightforward. It’s quick and easy, saving you time, effort and money.

As soon as the cylinder system is installed, you’ll be able to start using it immediately. The talk through glass is perfect for receptions too; it doesn’t compromise the style of the reception but provides greater security.


A cylinder system is easy to handle and keep clean. You needn’t worry about maintaining your visual audio equipment because it can easily be wiped clean and installed to keep dust out.

The fact that the talk through glass intercom system is used 24/7 makes it especially useful for a wide range of industrial uses. If you maintain the quality of the talk through glass cylinder system, it’ll last longer and provide you with excellent value for money!

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