Providing clean environments begins with precise production. We use industry leading standards throughout the design and manufacturing process to create products and solutions that will have trustworthy performance.
Serving inventive customers requires versatile solutions. The SAM44 is our solution for large scale cleanrooms that also have an eye on energy efficiency.
Standard features
All SAM44 Fn Filter Units include:
- HEPA filter 99.99% eff. @ 0.3 micron
- Modbus interface card for speed control through BMS
- 200-277V 50/60 Hz EC motor
- CAT5 connection
- On/Off switch
- Handles
- Protective inlet screen
- Aluminium construction, mill finish
Final filter is protected with a white epoxy diamond pattern grille and are tested according to accepted procedures as described by the Institute of Environmental Sciences (IEST) and/or ISO standards.
Optional features
- ULPA filter 99.9995% eff. @ MPPS
- BACnet MSTP or BACnet IP control via BMS
- Local control via potentiometer

Product data and specifications