Contamination control is essential to all high-tech industries and research facilities where cleanliness is a precondition for the quality of the product and for the safety and health of the users or employees.
Contamination control enables new technology, new research results and innovative technological applications, to make it possible to keep improving control of air purity.
Every 2 years a member society of the International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies (ICCCS) organises the international symposium on contamination control and cleanroom technology (ISCC). This year the event will be hosted by the Netherlands Contamination Control Society (VCCN) in The Hague in the Netherlands.
The event will start with a social programme, followed by a 2 day conference, including tutorials and workshops, and will close with technical visits.
The main focus of the symposium will be: The world behind Contamination Control. The following keynote speakers have been announced: opening keynote Professor Dave Blank; healthcare keynote Dr Bas Zaat; Micro Nano Technology keynote speaker Professor Vadim Banine; and closing speaker Peter Ros.
With more than 500 participants from across the world, ISCC 2018 offers an excellent opportunity to learn all about new applications and inventions concerning the improvement of quality in cleanrooms.
The ICCCS is an international community for national societies on cleanrooms and contamination control.