Entries invited for the Clean! 2015 awards

Published: 28-Apr-2015

The award honours outstanding innovations for use in clean manufacturing environments

Fraunhofer IPA is urging cleanroom companies to enter their latest innovations for clean, pure or ultra-pure manufacturing environments into this year's Fraunhofer Cleanliness Technology Award ­ – Clean! 2015.

The Stuttgart-based Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA annually honours groundbreaking developments. Initially open only to the German speaking regions, the Award is now open to the entire European cleanliness technology market. Title : Entries invited for the Clean! 2015 awards Snippet : The award honours outstanding innovations for use in clean manufacturing environments 86 Body :

This year's jury comprises: Dr Udo Gommel, Faunhofer IPA; Dipl.-Phys Thomas Wollstein, VDI e V.; Dr Lothar Gail, GMP Reinraumtechnik; Dr Gerhard Kminek, European Space Agency; and Prof. Arnold Brunner, Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts.

Applications are limited to one per company and should be submitted to clean@ipa.fraunhofer.de. The deadline for entries is May 19. The Award presentation ceremony will be at the 13th International Symposium on Materials in the Space Environment on June 25, 2015 at the Palais Beaumont - Congress Center in Pau, France.

Details can be found on the Fraunhofer IPA website at http://www.cleanmanufacturing.fraunhofer.de/en/events/clean2015.html

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