Challenges in single-use approaches to powder transfer

Published: 21-Sep-2015

Media and buffer preparation is a key part of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process, and improving the powder transfer process can make this step can cleaner, safer and more efficient. ILC Dover’s DoverPac Containment Systems division explains how

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Because sterility is not vital at this early stage of manufacturing, powder ingredients for media and buffers have historically been transferred from stock containers using scoops, and weighed and mixed in buckets or open top bags. This process has often been carried out in a separate room from the production line, to contain any airborne contaminants.

Many companies are starting to move to single-use systems as a simpler, cleaner, and safer way to handle ingredients, but this still means that the dry ingredients for buffers and other media need to be transferred into single-use bags in pre-weighed amounts from large-scale storage drums or bags. There are challenges to face in this process, including the generation of airborne particulates, and the overall aim for powder transfer management is to meet these through the optimised handling of raw materials.

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