WERO Specialist Cleaning chooses new project leader for cleanrooms

Dairon Albertoe has been chosen by the Netherlands-based cleanroom and specialist cleaning firm to oversee the day-to-day operations of the team

WERO Specialist Cleaning (WERO specialistische reiniging) has hired a new project leader for cleanrooms.

Dairon Albertoe has been chosen by the Netherlands-based cleanroom and specialist cleaning firm to oversee the day-to-day operations of the team, setting and meeting project deadlines, and ensuring the quality of work.

"He is dedicated to helping us grow both professionally and personally, and is eager to support us in our efforts to reach our full potential," WERO stated in a LinkedIn post. "We believe Dairon will have a positive impact on our team and look forward to working together with clearly realising mutual understanding towards our customers."

Acquired by CWS in 2021, WERO offers cleanroom cleaning at every level (cleanliness Classes A-D according to EU GMP guidelines, Classes 1-9 according to DIN EN ISO 14644). The company offers this from a full-service model.



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