In-person trade shows vs. digital trade shows

Published: 13-Oct-2021

Shoe Cover Magic weighs up the pros and cons

Since the inception of our company, we have attended many trade shows, across many industries, in many different states, to highlight the benefits of our hands-free, three-step shoe cover system. While the COVID pandemic deterred trade shows for quite some time, a few months ago we started going again in a much different way – virtually.

While there are many similarities between in-person and virtual conferences, there are also some pretty noticeable differences. We’re going to highlight the similarities and differences between the two, as well as the benefits and disadvantages, as virtual and hybrid trade shows may become as common as those in-person.

In-Person Trade Shows

As we mentioned, we have been going to in-person trade shows for years. Regardless of the reason or industry of the show – the food processing industry, a real estate event, or anything else – these trade shows are a great place to demonstrate how our products work. Potential customers can actually try the products out, ask whatever questions they may have, and feel comfortable with the product knowing that they have tested it out themselves. This goes for every part of our system – dispensers, removers, and shoe covers.

Our favourite part of in-person trade shows is meeting all of our potential customers. Our team is so knowledgeable on every aspect of our system and all products, and it is very obvious to anyone who stops by our booth. Having the in-person touch is a great way to make connections that last a lifetime.

Virtual Trade Shows

After not attending a trade show in months, it felt great when we logged onto our first virtual one earlier this year. While questions could still be answered, there wasn’t as much of a sense of urgency due to customers seeing demonstrations of our products, not being able to actually try them out for themselves.

One huge benefit of virtual trade shows, however, is the flexibility. In the past, most trade shows that we have attended have required travel – airlines, hotels, rental cars, etc. Logging on in the office or at home negates the option of having to worry about getting around in another state. It also ensures that all members of our team can be present. This is a huge benefit that we’ve seen, and we’re looking forward to keeping this option open in the future.

Hybrid Trade Shows

We attended one trade show a few months ago that was a hybrid event. Companies who could make it in person did, and those who couldn’t go in-person attended virtually and had an online booth set up.

It’s very possible that hybrid conferences will become commonplace in the future, allowing those who are able to attend in person and providing a virtual alternative to those who can’t. This style accommodates everyone’s schedule and offers flexibility, structure, and comfortability to all in attendance.

A wonderful benefit of hybrid trade shows is the safety factor. As safety and sanitation are two of our three core benefits, we love the option of keeping everyone as safe and healthy as possible. If someone comes down with a cold or severe allergies, they are still able to attend an event virtually, which may not have been possible years prior.

For years, we attended in-person trade shows, and honestly, didn’t know another way. Through the current pandemic, we have learned to adjust our past views and traditions, and we couldn’t be happier. The combination of in-person, virtual, and hybrid trade shows offers us, and anyone attending, the right flexibility and options for their specific needs. While we love meeting our customers in person, we know that that is not always an option in 2021 and beyond. We do, however, know that our products can help so many people across so many industries – these days, even more so! Reach out to us for more information on our products and system. We’d love to meet you at our next trade show, whether that is in-person or online.

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