Vaisala launches humidity and temperature transmitters for HVAC applications

Published: 31-Jan-2013

Offer reliable operation and easy installation and require little maintenance

Vaisala’s new HMDW80 family of humidity and temperature transmitters for the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning industry is a complete set for collecting basic humidity and temperature information.

The transmitters are optimised for reliable operation and easy installation and require very little maintenance, the Finnish supplier of environmental and industrial measurement instruments says. The stability of the Intercap sensor ensures reliable measurement with minimal maintenance, and if needed, the sensor can be exchanged on location with little downtime.

The HMDW80 series includes basic transmitters for walls and ventilation ducts as well as IP65-classified transmitters for wash-down areas and other humid spaces. Vaisala says an additional outdoor measurement kit will complement the transmitters later this year.

The series also contains transmitters that measure temperature only, as well as transmitters with an optional display, and also provides calculated humidity parameters of dew point, wet bulb and enthalpy in addition to the direct output parameters.

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