Guardtech overcomes climate issue to grow cleanroom build presence in Nordic and Baltic regions

By Lina Kurdi | Published: 29-Aug-2024

Guardtech has told Cleanroom Technology it is growing its customer base in the Nordics and Baltics regions following the appointment of Lars Strandljung as Territory Director

Guardtech, a Suffolk-based design and build cleanroom expert, has set its sights on the Nordic and Baltic regions following the appointment of Lars Strandljung as Territory Director for that zone, the company has told Cleanroom Technology.

“Lars already had a strong reputation for his previous work in not only developing cleanroom systems, but also in building SOPs for critical environments,” the spokesperson for Guardtech said.

“Having Lars and his team on the ground means we can extend that personal touch, which is so important to us at home, over in those regions. Lars has also commented that the strength of the Guardtech Group brand, and our reputation for delivery quality on these shores, has made his job a lot easier,” the spokesperson explained.

Guardtech is already seeing a trend in the products that are most popular in the Nordics and Baltics regions

To further grow its presence in the Nordics and Baltics, Guardtech has set up a digital presence in those spaces and has attended exhibitions to give potential new clients more background on the products and services that Guardtech offers.

Cleanroom trends in the Nordic and Baltic regions

Guardtech is already seeing a trend in the products that are most popular in the Nordic and Baltic regions.

“Our Cleancube shipping container cleanrooms are bringing in inquiries from all across the globe, from as far away as Australia and New Zealand to mainland Europe. But the bulk of our inquiries from Sweden and the Nordics, as well as the likes of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, tends to be traditional modular builds for industries like Electronics, Medical Device, and Aerospace,” the spokesperson for Guardtech said. 

Guardtech installed a Cleancube Maxi 40ft double container cleanroom in Upsalla, Sweden in -25°C

Different climates and topographies

International interest in Guardtech’s products and services also follows its overseas growth with nine concurrent projects underway, further reflecting its capabilities to deal with different climates and topographies. 

Guardtech installed a Cleancube Maxi 40ft double container cleanroom in Upsalla, Sweden in -25°C. According to the spokesperson, the main challenge that was overcome was “deep, deep snow and a 45°C disparity between inside and outside the cleanroom!” 

“However, the Design Team had prepared for that and we included some innovative additions to that cleanroom to overcome them – for example, special air vents in the windows to prevent condensation, as well as ‘oversized’ AHUs to cope with the temperature challenges.” The spokesperson said.

We’re excited to see how well that solution fares in what is likely to be quite an intense climate

“There’s no specific focus on any particular region – we just want to continue to build on our reputation in mainland Europe, as well as the Nordics,” the spokesperson clarified. 

However, Guardtech does have a global outlook as it is currently delivering its Cleancube Multi 10 (10 containers conjoined side by side) for critical work in Djibouti in East Africa.

“We’re excited to see how well that solution fares in what is likely to be quite an intense climate, as that should open up a raft of new global opportunities for Cleancube,”  the spokesperson enthused.

International interest in Guardtech’s products and services also follows its overseas growth with nine concurrent projects underway

Overall, the goal for Guardtech is to delivery high quality cleanrooms wherever in the world they are needed.

“We’re doing our best to deliver fantastic, British-made cleanrooms to the same standards we adhere to at home to ensure our reputation for high-quality installations and materials, as well as innovative cleanroom functionality, remains solid,” the spokesperson concluded. 


Top image: Cleancube mobile cleanrooms 

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