First pulsed light packaging sterilisation equipment installed

Published: 31-Mar-2016

Pulsed light has the potential to provide a dry, non-chemical method of packaging sterilisation for food and beverage products. Equipment developer Claranor has installed some of the first sterilising systems designed to extended the shelflife of products

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Pulsed light technology has been researched as a sterilisation method for food packaging since the 1980s–1990s. Equipment producer Claranor has worked on the process for many years and has now developed a practical system that is being adopted by the food industry for filling lines running extended shelflife (ESL) products.

The first Claranor system for the internal and external sterilisation of flat caps was recently developed and implemented on a filling line for ESL fruit juices. The product in question is an orange juice without a preservative, that can be stored in the chilled chain for 10 weeks. It is filled in a PET bottle, closed with a flat-cap and aluminium foil.

The product needs treatment of the internal packaging parts in contact with the juice and also external cap sterilisation to avoid cross-contamination in the clean filling room.

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