Bioprocess expert chooses PM Group to design training facility expansion

Published: 27-Feb-2020

National Institute for Bioprocessing Research has chosen PM Group to develop a design to expand its existing facility in Ireland

PM Group has been chosen by the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research (NIBRT) to develop a design to expand its existing facility in Ireland. The expansion project will facilitate the training, research and innovation for the manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) medicines.

The commercial value of CGTs is forecasted to grow exponentially over coming years. As new pathways for disease treatment and cure command growing attention and investment, the total number of next generation biologics (the majority of which are CGTs) in the development pipeline reached 269 by the end of 2018, up from 120 in 2015.

Ireland has established a hard won reputation as a centre of excellence in biopharma manufacturing mainly focused on monoclonal antibodies. However, the new wave of biopharma investments will include next generation biologics (mainly CGTs) which represent complex challenges to manufacture economically.

NIBRT and its partners established a CGT Forum in December 2018 to address these challenges, publishing a White Paper in May 2019, announced several CGT research collaborations and commenced CGT training activity in Q4 2019.

To further facilitate CGT training and research, NIBRT has appointed PM Group to develop a design to expand NIBRT’s existing facility in Dublin, Ireland. With this expansion NIBRT will be able to support the workforce development and research expertise that underpins global CGT manufacturing investments.

“PM Group is delighted to be appointed to work on the concept design of NIBRT’s new CGT training facility.  It is an exciting next step and builds on our track record of innovation in the CGT space and our partnership with NIBRT,” said Eileen Lee, Dublin Office Operations Manager for PM Group.

Announcing the appointment of PM Group, NIBRT CEO, Dominic Carolan, said: “This design will position NIBRT to train our industry and educational clients in the current and emergent CGT manufacturing technologies as well as continuing expansion of our CGT research activities ”

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