When hazardous vapours or powders are handled in the laboratory then a portable ductless fume cabinet or workstation is highly suitable for protection of laboratory staff.
On show on booth E48 in Hall 4.2, Bigneat will be showing visitors a selection of laboratory safety cabinets including a Chemcap Clearview ductless fume cabinet dedicated to the dispensing of formalin.
Visitors will be able to see Optiflow; on show for the very first time at Achema, which is an open style safety workstation. It provides unrestricted access and is suitable for many different procedures in hospitals and laboratories.
The filter system can either be installed with HEPA filtration for particles or carbon filtration for chemical vapours and fumes.
Powder Weighing and Handling Cabinets. When it comes to needing to safely handle powders and weigh with micro precision (5 or 6 decimal places), Excel Plus satisfies this need. It has smoothed airflow into the cabinet to reduce air turbulence around the enclosed balance.
Of particular interest to the visitors will be the opportunity to try out Bigneat’s cabinets and to have the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of these cabinets over competitive cabinets on the show at Achema. Not only the safety aspect but the robust quality, user comfort of and quiet operation - see this for yourself on Booth E48 in Hall 4.2.