Hold it wipe there!

Published: 29-Nov--0001

Autoclavable mop frame to hold large wipes impregnated with Shield Medicare\'s range of alcohols, biocides or neutral detergent

Shield Medicare has launched an autoclavable mop frame to hold large wipes impregnated with Shield Medicare's range of alcohols, biocides or neutral detergent, including its fast-acting sporicide Klercide-CR Biocide B.

The cleanroom-compatible, low particulate wipes are double-bagged for easy transfer in a peelable foil pack of 20 wipes. The lightweight mop frame is designed for optimum surface coverage, ensuring a consistent application of fluid to the whole surface area, even on pitted surfaces.

According to Shield, impregnated mop wipes eliminate the time spent mixing concentrates, reduce dilution errors, remove the need for a bucket system and offer economical and environmentally friendly disposal. They also eradicate the risk of the disinfectant becoming contaminated during the session.

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